Senin, 05 November 2012


Sansevieria bacularis 

Robert Streul:
This is a much juvenile plant at 13 inches tall but I think you will get the idea. Usually growth consist of only one leaf, sometimes two.
Also .. I decided that one of the S. bacularis leaves was getting way too long and presenting difficulties when moving the plant. I got out the knife and went to work, removing the leaf and then cutting sections to be used as propagation material. Now if I told you how long the leaf was, you'd think I was pulling your leg. The leaf sections in the second photo are roughly 7 inches long and there was one piece of about 1 1/2 inches that I tossed. Do the math and you'll be amazed at how long the leaf was.

Sansevieria bagamoyensis (arborescens) 

Sansevieria conspicua

Sansevieria cylindrica
Sansevieria cylindrica, S. cylindrica 'Striated' and S.robusta
Sansevieria dawei

Sansevieria eilensis (Chahinian) (old LAV 10178)

Sansevieria fischeri (singularis)

Sansevieria fischeri

Robert Streul:
Sansevieria fischeri description based on N.E. Brown's 1911 description for S. singularis (old name).
Leaves solitary, erect, rigid, slightly rough, 1 1/2 â€" 8 feet long, 3/4â€"1 3/4 inches thick at base, cylindrical, slightly tapering upwards until near the apex, which shortly narrows to a stout acute whitish point, when young, with one concave channel 1 1/2â€"3 inches broad and 1 - 1 1/2 inches deep down the face and 4â€"6 longitudinal impressed lines on the sides and back, which deepen into furrows with age, dull greyishâ€" or bluish-green, often with a brownish tint or perhaps entirely brownish when mature, slightly subglaucous, rather brighter when young and then marked with numerous closely placed transverse pale green bands, which nearly or quite disappear with age.
Personal note: This is a must have plant for any Sans grower. My S. fischeri plants continue giving much joy by surprising me with each and every new leaf that is produced. Grown in strong light, the colors on the plant are spectacular with such a pronounced banding when the leaves are young. The parent plant in this photo is the standard S. fischeri but two out of the three new offshoots each have one leaf, of the two, that is showing a slight yellow-green margin on just one of the leaf margins. This yellow-green color changes to an off-white as the plant gets older. Since this photo was taken, the plants showing the colored margin have been removed from the parent and the hope is with each successive new growth, this margin will continue to show and perhaps increase in size or maybe even develop on both margins of the leaves. I have not had the pleasure of seeing any of my plants produce flowers but I have not given up and suspect that someday that will be another great surprise awaiting me. 
 Sansevieria fischeri - variegated?

Sansevieria francisii

Sansevieria 'Frosty Spears'

Sansevieria gracilis

Sansevieria guineensis 'San Remo'

Sansevieria guineensis, 'White Striped Giant'

Sansevieria hargeisana

Sansevieria humbertiana (Guill.)

Sansevieria hyacinthoides

Sansevieria kirkii var pulchra

Sansevieria kirkii var. pulchra 'Coppertone'

Sansevieria 'Koko'

Sansevieria aff. concinna 'Lav. 5933' and S. aff. concinna 'Lav. 5949'

Sansevieria liberica

Sansevieria longiflora (Sims)

Sansevieria 'Malawi Bat'

Sansevieria sp. Mutomo

Sansevieria parva 'Gilt Edge'

Sansevieria patens

Sansevieria pinguicula (Bally)

Sansevieria pinguicula (variegated)

Sansevieria robusta

Sansevieria singularis

Sansevieria stuckyi (Godefroy-Lebeuf )

Sansevieria suffruticosa

Sansevieria species HB 029

Sansevieria 'Tom Grumbley'

Sansecieria trifasciata 'Black Gold'

Sansevieria trifasciata 'Frank Niedz'

Sansevieria trifasciata 'Gray Lady'

Sansevieria trifasciata 'Hahnii Swirls'

Sansevieria trifasciata 'Jade Dwarf Marginated'

Sansevieria trifasciata 'Laurentii'

Sansevieria trifasciata 'Laurentii Compacta'

Sansevieria trifasciata 'Laurentii Mein Liebling'

Sansevieria trifasciata `Moonshine'

Sansevieria trifasciata 'Moonshine'

Sansevieria trifasciata x S. deserti (FLH 13)

 Sansevieria trifasciata 'Thick Leaf'

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